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June 14 /Friday/, 8:30 pm

Plovdiv Drama Theatre - Chamber Hall

Official Closing


Egozkue y Paz - Spain 

General direction and performance: Javiera Paz and Manuel Egozkue

Lighting designer: Egozkue y Paz

Live music: Jorge Cerrillo

Lighting technician: Elena Alejandre

Audiovisual recording: Sara Toledo

Photographic documentation: Mario Zamora

Artistic guidance: Jaime Vallaure, Celso Giménez

Pletórico is a physical manifesto, a declaration on the dance floor where the boundaries of exhaustion are transgressed and redefined, transforming it into a will for power and life through a bass drum at 134 bpm and two bodies that ceaselessly move. Everything is an excuse to end up together, to ignite a fuse.


Manuel Egozkue and Javiera Paz started working together in February 2020, identifying themselves as "Egozkue y Paz." Together, based on their conversations around music and its landscapes, they construct scenic contexts to inhabit through movement.

In 2021, they premiered their first scenic investigation titled PLETÓRICO, debuting in Madrid and touring various cities in Chile and Argentina. They also developed the movement practice FIESTA INTENSIVA inspired by materials from the work.

In 2022, they created scenic investigation "Nadie sabría decir lo que puede un encuentro" (Nobody would know what a meeting can achieve).

Currently, they are based in Madrid, where they have collaborated with Conde Duque Cultural Center, La Casa Encendida, and other independent venues associated with contemporary performing arts and music. Individually, they also collaborate on various scenic and audiovisual projects, such as 'La Domesticación' for Luz Arcas (La Pharmaco), and the film 'Sobre Todo de Noche,' for Víctor Iriarte both premiered in 2023.

© 2024 by The Black Box Festival. 

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